Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the cave people - a story

Long ago, or maybe not so long ago, there was a tribe in a dark, cold cavern. The cave dwellers would huddle together and cry against the chill. Loud and long they wailed. It was all they did.
It was all they knew to do. The sounds in the cave were mournful, but the people didn’t know it, for had never known life.

But then, one day, they heard a different voice. “I have heard your cries,” it announced. “I have felt your chill and seen your darkness. I have come to help.”
The cave people grew quiet. They had never heard this voice. Hope sounded strange to their ears. “How can we know you have come to help?”
“Trust me,” he answered. “I have what you need.”

The cave people peered through the darkness at the figure of the stranger. He was stacking something, then stooping and stacking more.
“What are you doing?” one cried, nervous.
The stranger didn’t answer.
“What are you making?” one shouted even louder.
Still no response.
“Tell us!” demanded a third.
The visitor stood and spoke in the direction of the voices. “I have what you need.” With that he turned to the pile at his feet and lit it. Wood ignited, flames erupted, and light filled the cavern.

The cave people turned away in fear. “Put it out!” they cried. “It hurts to see it.” “Light always hurts before it helps,” he answered. “Step closer. The pain will soon pass.”
“Not I,” declared a voice.
“Nor I,” agreed a second.
“Only a fool would risk exposing his eyes to such light.”
The stranger stood next to the fire. “Would you prefer the darkness? Would you prefer the cold?
Don’t consult your fears. Take a step of faith.”

For a long time no one spoke. The people hovered in groups covering their eyes. The fire builder stood next to the fire. “It’s warm here,” he invited.
“He’s right,” one from behind him announced. “It’s warmer.” The stranger turned and saw a figure slowly stepping toward the fire. “I can open my eyes now,” she proclaimed. “I can see.”
“Come closer,” invited the fire builder.
She did. She stepped into the ring of light. “It’s so warm!” She extended her hands and sighed as her chill began to pass.
“Come, everyone! Feel the warmth,” she invited.
“Silence, woman!” cried one of the cave dwellers. “Dare you lead us into your folly? Leave us and take your light with you.”
She turned to the stranger. “Why won’t they come?”
“They choose the chill, for though it’s cold, it’s what they know. They’d rather be cold than change.”
“And live in the dark?”
“And live in the dark.”
The now-warm woman stood silent. Looking first at the dark, then at the man.
“Will you leave the fire?” he asked.
She paused, then answered, “I cannot. I cannot bear the cold.” Then she spoke again. “But nor can I bear the thought of my people in darkness.”
“You don’t have to,” he responded, reaching into the fire and removing a stick. “Carry this to your people. Tell them the light is here, and the light is warm. Tell them the light is for all who desire it.”
And so she took the small flame and stepped into the shadows.
[max lucado]

Friday, February 02, 2007

chief end of god

john piper [let the nations be glad]
what is the chief end of man?
to glorify god and enjoy him forever
what is the chief end of god?
to glorify god and enjoy himself forever

Saturday, January 20, 2007

making the most out of our time together

how fast time goes by.

we are already going past the third week of january.

this year started with quite a number of new schedules and ways of living. abigail's time this past week had been occupied with quite a number of after school activities. mine was also filled with several meetings up to the evenings. our time together was quite short.

it seems to be better in the coming week. i can plan to do some cooking and we can eat at home together more often.

this will be the kind of lifestyle for both of us this year. so for whatever time we have together, we will have to make the most of it. i will put in effort to spend as much time as possible with her as she grows up so that i will not "miss" it once she is grown up.....

Friday, January 12, 2007

Where I Belong

This story is fictional, based on my experiences with my mp3 player.
Ever since i can remember,my world has been like that.

I have music in my ears in my isolated cubicle, doing my own thing in darkness. Occupying myself by staring at the darkness, as if eternity were written there. Loud music ringing in my ears, repeatedly. Music is my life. Without the music, i cease to exist. Or so I've always known. I'm not sure about that, though.

You must be wondering who told me. Well I'm not that sure either. Perhaps the music pounds into me that. Maybe the blackness of my cubicles say so. But i think i have known that since i can remember. A primitive instinct, most probably.

Sometimes i wonder what is outside my cubicle. But most of all i am terrified of what goes beyond these four walls. On certain days-if you could have day in a world with no light- i think of how i got the knowledge of the word "light" or even "day"in the first place.

One day i hear something. I am puzzled at it. After all, my ears have only heard the music throughout my life. I turn to where the sound is coming from. I see it-a tiny crack in the four walls around me. Light seeps in through the tiny crevice. I listen carefully, trying to drown out the music in my ears for the first time.

Curiosity is aroused within me. I start to let my mind wander as i to question all this that i am doing. I am, of course, surprised. All my life i just listen to the music and I am contented. Now i cannot rest till i find a reason to why i am doing this. Reason. Hmmm.. A new word.

I lean forward and take a peep. For the first time in my life i look out of my small world. I see a great light engulfing the universe of cubicles. I see some people, like me, already out of their cubicles and exploring their new environment. The music is no longer in their ears. But how...?

I look at them with great envy. They have this expression on their faces-i don't know what it is- happiness? Now how do i know that word? I ask myself. I tell myself i must find the answer. And the answer, i reason, lies in the light-that beautiful, white light.

I started to pound on the wall with my bare fists. But the wall wouldn't let me get out to the great light. Tears start to stream down my cheeks. Hot tears. Not that i could see them, i could feel them. Touch? When did i start to feel? My mind was in a turmoil. I didn't even know the word "touch" as well. It seemed forgotten over time, lying in the shadows of my mind.

I wished i could get out. I really did. The sound i first heard was still there-a voice. It was trying to tell me something, but i didn't understand. The music in my ears was just too loud. The voice seemed like it was repeating something. My ears strained to hear the words.

The voice was melodious, marvelous.

It dawned upon me that the unplugging of my music was necessary to break out of my enclosed world. But that was equivalent to pointing a gun at my head and pulling the trigger. I looked at the other people out there, without the music, happy. Their faces told me they were rejoicing, basking in the great warm light, with a purpose.

And then i think about listening to the repetitive music. Pointless. All these while, while trying to occupy the darkness and loneliness of my small cubicle, i must have resorted to doing this for so long it became my life. Covering up for that emptiness inside of me. How foolish of me.

Then i see a small child walking towards my cubicle. I can see her lips moving to mouth a single word.


And that is enough for me. All my fear gone, i take off the music in my ears. And at that very moment my cubicle crumbles to dust. My entire being is electrified. I immerge refreshed.

At first i think i am hallucinating, as immediately i see not just the light, but things in the light. This is a safe haven, where i know i will be taken care of forever.

And i know in my heart that this is where i belong.

Friday, January 05, 2007


i am reminded today about forgiveness.

do you have someone whom you find so difficult to forgive?

there is this person who was somehow related to me and whom i really find so difficult to even hear the name mentioned to me. to me she is the most superficial person i have ever come across, together with the nasal english accent (which was put on, not natural) and the flirtatious tones/gestures especially to the male species. i guess we never had "chemistry" - i cannot explain why. and the feelings we have for each other are mutual - she never liked me too.

she was one factor that contributed to the saddest thing that ever happened to me some four years ago. so how can i say that i don't have any negative feelings towards her?

it has been years - i don't get to meet her anymore (thank god) and i am not related to her anymore (praise god). i know - not so kind of me to say all this in this tone - i have prayed that god will indeed forgive me for this kind of feelings towards this person.

life goes on. i do not wish to remember this person - she is erased from my memory data bank. to me, if i ever see her, she will just be another face in the crowd.

i am not angry with her anymore - i don't wish to - pointless.

no matter what happened to me, i have come out of it and now i have found happiness in god's love and by his grace.

but i cannot forgive her for what she did to me and to my "happy family" years ago......

Monday, January 01, 2007

In view of my looooooong absence and Jelbo's mysterious missing-ness(even if there is no such word) i have decided to post this post.


There. Posted.

lamb of god